Don't Set it and Forget it!
Do you know how much your retirement plan is costing your organization and your employees?
Have you had an independent fee, service and investment benchmarking report done in the last 3 years?
Do you know how your plan fees compare to similar plans?
If it's time for a review of your plan's services and costs, let WWM help. WWM can help you find or request the information needed for a fiduciary and costs report.
This comprehensive report:
Breaks down plan fees into Administrative, Advisory and Underlying investment components.
Compares plan fees to a large database of similar plans.
Evaluates the current Target Date Fund lineup.
Offers a current proposal from an industry leader for comparison.
Explains and illustrates revenue-sharing in plan investments and where that money is going.
Uses an institutional approach to analyze the quality of plan investments.
Helps fulfill your fiduciary duties even if you are satisfied with your current providers.

ERISA, the federal law that governs retirement plans, recognizes the importance of being entrusted with the retirement assets of employees. Accordingly, ERISA requires Plan Trustees to act as fiduciaries, that is, to always act in the best interest of Plan Participants. Additionally, unlike many corporate duties, Plan Trustees can be personally liable for imprudent plan decisions, and most corporate insurance excludes these decisions from coverage.
ERISA requires Plan Trustees use a prudent process for making retirement plan decisions. Plan Trustees can protect themselves by using a prudent process, but it is also essential to document those processes and plan decisions in writing. Failure to document important processes and decisions exposes Plan Trustees to avoidable legal risks.
Winiecki Wealth Management is a fiduciary advisor to Retirement Plan Sponsors, providing fiduciary 401k and 403b investment services for companies, service firms, and nonprofit organizations. Failing to hire a fiduciary investment advisor for the investment role can negatively affect the plan sponsor and the plan fiduciaries personally. As a fiduciary, WWM offers both 3(21) and 3(38) services. Kurt’s legal background allows WWM to navigate the fiduciary rules required of plan sponsors and help address the personal liability of the plan trustee.